Friday 16 November 2012

Jessie J: Magazine Advert Codes and Conventions 2

We have chosen to analyse a magazine advert of one of Jessie J's albums 'Who You Are'.

1. Name of band/ artist and album
The name of the artist stands out in both magazine adverts, it immediatly catches your eye. We can see that the name of the artist is a very important factor to the magazine advert and should be as clear and eye grabbing as possible which this advert clearly highlights.

2. Date of album release
As you can see from the adverts above the one of the left hand side clearly states in bold capitals the release of the album 'PLATINUM EDITION OUT NOW'. And although the advert on the right does not state the release date it is still advertising the album including album name and who the album is featuring.

3. Band/ Artist Image/ Style
The image of the artist is represented in sexual way- the close up of the artist emphasises her make-up and facial expression grabbing the audiences attention. The image of the artist is very bold and unique which links to the genre we our focusing on 'Alternative Pop'. The fact that its just the artist looking powerful echos the fact of being independant which again links to our genre of 'Alternative Pop'.

4. Featuring Songs
Both adverts above highlight the songs featuring other artists like B.o.B and David Guetta. The advert on the left illustrates the featuring song at the bottom of the page in bold colour black but it is not in block capitals like the other details on the advert which questions whether its the most important factor of the advert. Although, the advert on the right clearly states the featuring track in bold font and emphasising the featuring artist B.o.B in a bold colour.

5. Form of Release
Both articles advertise the release of the hard copy of the album which is clearly stated in block capitals. But neither disply any release of online downloads.

6. Either photograph or artwork as main image
In these magazine articles the main image is the artist - Jessie J. It is a very bold picture of the artist, and the way she is positioned portrays a powerful image. This relates to other alternative pop artists as it shows their fierce and independant personality. It is a statement photograph and so is very remeberable to the audience. Her image is very different from other artists, for example her black lipstick and her jet black bob haircut.

7. Record Company
Her Record Label 'LAVA' is displayed at the bottom of both magazine advert. It is displayed very clearly, especially the advert on the right as it is placed on a black background and so the white logo stands out well.

8. Bands website
The artists official website is shown on the magazine advert at the bottom in white writing. It is against the black background so it stands out very well, making it clear and easy to read. The website takes you to the artists official website, which tells you lots of information about the artist, for example her tours/gigs etc. It is printed in quite small font as it is not a major part of the advert, but it is still there for the audience to see.

9. Critical notes/ratings

10. Set colour scheme
The colour scheme for the advert on the left is based on three colours; black, white and silver, which links to her releasing her 'platinum album'. It makes the advert very distinctive and quite simple so that the audience can focus on the important parts of the advert.

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