Tuesday 27 November 2012

Practice Magazine Advert

In order to create our practice magazine advert we used Photoshop. We chose a picture which we took whilst filming our music video that we thought would stand out as a magazine advert, and is also similar to other alternative pop magazine adverts which we analysed for example, Delilah and Jessie J. We then used the dodge tool and the burn tool in order to highlight features such as her eyes, mouth and earrings. We wanted her lips to stand out in the photo, so we made these a brighter colour and defined them. We also then used the dodge tool in order to eliminate blemishes on the photograph. We had an idea to create a diamond shape around the artist to make her stand out, which also links to her earrings. We did this by using the polygon lasso tool to draw around the artist and create the diamond shape. Once we had done this we then used the filter gallery to make the background different to the artist herself and the diamond shape. We tested out several filters but decided on one that works with the rest of the photo. The final part of our practice magazine advert was adding the text. Firstly we added the artists name in big writing at the top of the magazine to make it stand out. Underneath that we added the album name, and then details about when the album is released etc. By creating a practice magazine advert it gave us confidence to create our final magazine advert.

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